The Academic Method Is Not Discipling

Bible Colleges and Seminaries do not make disciples. Taking x number of classes and maintaining a certain acceptable grade average until graduation does not change a person or give him experience or maturity. No wonder as we read the New Testament we see that NO Apostle ever started a school or institute. That was not the apostolic method, because it was not the Lord's method, and they learned from Him.

Consider this insight:
“Biblical training is not concerned with intellectual instruction alone. One of the great difficulties with our educational system in Western society is that we all too frequently train people not for personal change, but for the ability to pass tests... When your goal is to mold the character of an individual, you pursue that task much differently than when your goal is to enable him to answer questions.”

Jay Adams: How To Help People Change, p. 194

"Taking classes or courses" and getting a degree is not in the New Testament, but pointing this out in our days is like shooting peas at a tank. It just bounces off the dense intellectual defenses. But the truth remains. Neither our Lord, nor His Apostles, nor the prophets of old used the academic method to try and make men of God. In trying to improve upon their method of personal discipleship we have only made a mess. But giving classes and grading tests is easier than investing in a life and molding it for God. A person can give a class with just notes and outlines. But to invest in and mold a life, you must have something practical to give in your character and conduct. The other person has to be more than a mere "student" (class-taker) academically speaking, he must be willing to spend time, observe, learn, be molded, imitate and follow with conviction. That isn't done in a semester or two.
Moses had one man, Joshua. Elijah had one man, Elisha. Our Lord had twelve minus one. Paul had Timothy and Titus. This is not mass production, but it works. Any takers?

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