Do You Reject The God Of The Old Testament?

"It is forgotten that our God is a consuming fire [cf. Deut. 4:24 and Heb. 12:29]. Many there are who, in the blindness of unbelief of the last days, proudly say, "We reject the Jehovah of the Old Testament." It is "the Jesus that loved little children," and "went about doing good," who "taught us to call God, Father": - this is the one in whom people say they believe. But will you remember that this same Jesus is called in the Old Testament Jehovah's Servant, and that under Jehovah's smiting hand of wrath He poured out His blood on Calvary and was laid in a tomb, dead, and that it is this Jesus, the Son of God, dead and risen, upon whom you are called to believe?"

Newell,  Romans Verse by Verse, page 119, Moody Press

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