
How To Begin The New Year

   by William MacDonald "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you .”" (Exodus 12:2) New Year’s resolutions are good but fragile, that is, easily broken. New Year’s prayers are better; they ascend to the throne of God and set answering wheels in motion. As we come to the beginning of another year, we would do well to make the following prayer requests our own: · Lord Jesus, I rededicate myself afresh to You today. I want you to take my life this coming year and use it for Your glory. “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.” · I pray that You will keep me from sin, from anything that will bring dishonor to Your Name. · Keep me teachable by the Holy Spirit. I want to move forward for You. Don’t let me settle in a rut. · May my motto this year be, “He must increase; I must decrease.” The glory must all be Yours. Help me not to touch it. · Teach me to make every decision a matter of prayer...

Marks of Love to Christ

J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) Let me show the peculiar marks by which love to Christ makes itself known. The point is one of vast importance. If there is no salvation without love to Christ, if he that does not love Christ is in peril of eternal condemnation, it becomes us all to find out very distinctly what we know about this matter. Christ is in heaven, and we are upon earth. In what way shall the man be discerned that loves Him? Happily, the point is one that it is not very hard to settle. How do we know whether we love any person here upon earth? In what way and manner does love show itself between people in this world—between husband and wife, between parent and child, between brother and sister, between friend and friend? Let these questions be answered by common sense and observation, and I ask no more. Let these questions be honestly answered, and the knot before us is untied. How does affection show itself among us? (a) If we love a person, we like to think about him . We do n...

A Distinguishing Trait of a True New Testament Church

  by Robert Gessner (1930-2014) The church is not ashamed to bear the reproach of Christ. "For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus; for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews" (1 Thess. 2:14).      It is not the name of a local church that distinguishes it as being a pattern of the New Testament. The church may have a very unique title such as "The New Testament Church of Jesus Christ" and yet it may not follow the pattern displayed in the New Testament. It is not even the creed formulated by a local church that gives it the distinction of being patterned after the New Testament. The creed, as far as it goes, may be very true to New Testament theology, and yet the church may be far from meeting in a New Testament manner. Obviously, no church would meet New Testament credentials if it did not teach the basic truths of the New Testament; however, it is not just ...

Christ Does All Things Well

In Mark 7:37 the multitude praised the Lord Jesus with these words: "He hath done all things well," and they were right. But I wonder if we spend much time thinking about what those words mean. Our Lord never did anything half-heartedly or halfway. He is the master worker, the heavenly artisan. If His works were on display at a great Fair, they would be covered in blue ribbons!     What the multitude said admiringly that day, we can say adoringly and gratefully every day. We who are saved ought to praise and worship our blessed Lord for the perfections of all His work as the Son of Man. "All things well." Did we ever know the Lord to do things any other way? Of course not!    Did He ever leave anyone half-way healed? We remember the man in Mark 8:24 who received his sight gradually, but he was completely healed – the Lord knew what He was doing and He did it well. Did He ever give the blind vision in one eye, restore only part of the hearing to the deaf, o...


  The Nazis accused the Jews of all the world's troubles, and required them to wear this symbol. Most of Europe was silently complicit in the Holocaust.   Roman Catholic Spain, and other countries, persecuted the Jews, just for being Jews, during the so-called "Holy" Inquisition. They hunted them and marked them with the Sambenito Tunic. Many died in torture chambers or burned at the stake. The Church was the "right hand" of the government, and both were complicit and guilty. BUT today, Spain, the rest of Europe, and the UK and North America, continue manifesting foolish and criminal antisemitism. The news media stokes the fires of antisemitism, like someone who throws a rock and then hides his hand. Multitudes distrust the Jews just because they are Jews. Without having done anything, they are criticized, attacked and killed.     Israel is criticized by hypocrites who would defend their own countries and families and rights, but who deny Israel the right to do ...

The Christian and Politics

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”    2 Timothy 2:4 You would think that after reading a verse like that, no further commentary would be necessary concerning politics or many other matters.  However, in light of increasing involvement of professing Christians in politics it has become necessary to expound more specifically this and other texts related to our subject.       First of all, every true Christian is a soldier and servant of the Lord, and like it or not, is engaged in warfare.  And one reason why so many don’t even show up in the fight, or wage an ineffective spiritual warfare, being unable to “fight the good fight of faith,” is their entanglements.  This world system, (gr. kosmos), organized and headed by the devil, dedicated to the purpose of keeping men happy without God, dangles before Christians various lures of entanglement. Politi...

U.N. Organization guilty of aiding Hamas in Oct. 7th attack on Israel

 Thanks to the news media bias, and the laziness of the general public regarding investigating, the world has been manipulated to believe that Israel is the aggressor. People ignore or have already fogotten what started the current hostilities. Even more alarming is the complicity of the United Nations in aiding Israel's enemies. The following report is from U.N. Watch.  This is just the tip of the iceberg. For more information and documentation, read EyE on the Media , by David Bar-Illan  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Evidence Of UNRWA Aid To Hamas On And After October 7th UNRWA Damning evidence of the extent of UNRWA’s ties and material assistance to Hamas continues to pour in. Over the weekend, the IDF revealed its discovery of a Hamas tunnel network under UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters housing a sophisticated data center with electri...