A Distinguishing Trait of a True New Testament Church


by Robert Gessner (1930-2014)

The church is not ashamed to bear the reproach of Christ.

"For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus; for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews" (1 Thess. 2:14).
     It is not the name of a local church that distinguishes it as being a pattern of the New Testament. The church may have a very unique title such as "The New Testament Church of Jesus Christ" and yet it may not follow the pattern displayed in the New Testament. It is not even the creed formulated by a local church that gives it the distinction of being patterned after the New Testament. The creed, as far as it goes, may be very true to New Testament theology, and yet the church may be far from meeting in a New Testament manner. Obviously, no church would meet New Testament credentials if it did not teach the basic truths of the New Testament; however, it is not just the doctrine taught, but it is also the practices of the church that distinguish it as being New Testament in character.
    In the verse above we are told that the Thessalonian believers became followers of the churches of God in Judea. These were the first churches of the New Testament. From this same verse we learn one of the distinguishing characteristics of the early New Testament churches.
    A distinguishing mark of a New Testament church is that it its members suffer many things from their own country men. It is not a popular gathering. The people of the community do not enjoy being with the members of the church. Those who meet together in a New Testament church understand that they will suffer ridicule, shame, and mockery. In some communities they understand that they may suffer physical harm, loss of property, or loss of jobs. Obviously, the degree of suffering varies under the provisions of the existing law in each community. NEVER in the New Testament is the local church portrayed as a gathering which is openly and warmly attended by the majority of the community. "And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria ...." (Acts 8:1).
    Consequently, a church that is truly practicing New Testament principles will not seek to be popular in the community. It will not be devising ways and means to make itself acceptable to the community so that people will feel comfortable to walk in off the streets. Certainly it will not seek persecution, but it will expect it. Those who come together will do so because they are willing to pay a price in order to meet and hear the Word of God proclaimed in truth. They are there because they hunger for true fellowship and the truth of God. In other words, God motivates their coming together. They are not brought in by the fanciful techniques employed by the attractive designs of modern society.
    The questions then to be asked in looking for a New Testament church are: Does the local church seek to preach and teach the Word of God without any limitations or compromise? Does the local church put more emphasis on being acceptable to the community than on being faithful to God's Word?
    The answer to these questions are vital. These questions manifest a struggle that takes place in every congregation of God's people. We want to be liked and accepted. We want to be like other churches. We are often offended when the church is too different. We use other excuses for not meeting with them, but this is often the underlying cause.

"Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing His reproach" (Heb. 13:13).

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