by Donald Norbie I n years past there was much personal exercise of heart about giving. Individuals prayed specifically for certain home workers and missionaries and gave to them personally. After a meeting a worker might receive a warm handshake with words of appreciation and find in his hand a bill or check. Or else he would receive an encouraging letter with some funds enclosed. Today this custom is dying out in many areas and all giving is done to the assembly. One can remember receiving a check and a letter from a missionary in New Guinea. "You taught me the Word in years past and I have been convicted that I have never shared with you financially. The Word states, ‘Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches’ ” (Galatians 6:6). Such personal exercise of heart is tremendously encouraging to the worker and also blesses the giver. It is true that much of one’s giving will be through the local assembly (1 Corinthians ...