True and False Conversion

No one eases into Christianity. You cannot gradually become a Christian. A good solid conversion is the starting point of the real Christian life. You can't become a Christian because your family or friends want you to. It isn't a matter of making up your mind to "go to church" or behave better. And none of this halfway stuff will do either – praying some prayer in an emotional moment at the end of a retreat, summer camp or after some gospel message, and then stumbling along trying to have one foot in the kingdom and the other in the world. Scripture records those who “believed,” but the Lord didn’t believe in them (Jn. 2:23-25; 6:25-26; 8:30-32). This may upset your “weak” or “carnal Christian” theology, but the Lord Jesus tells us that the lukewarm ones will get spewed out of His mouth (Rev. 3:16). So here’s some good advice. Take the Lord Jesus Christ and Christianity seriously, or not at all! Someone called it "all or nothing." Well said! ...