The Wonder of the Cross

The Wonder of the Cross Text: Acts 20:28 “...the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” What would be the result if a person fully comprehended the wonder of the cross? He would be totally transformed. He would be continually amazed and grateful. He would talk of Christ to anyone who would listen. He would become a compulsive worshiper. Worldly ambitions would perish. His life would be devoted to Christ, not self. Beloved, let me speak plainly now. The unevangelized world is evidence that the church has lost the wonder of the cross. With some happy exceptions, the church generally has become comfortable, complacent and self-pleasing. We need to be awakened and moved afresh by the wonder of the cross. Dare we take this great work for granted, or just smile and say, "that's nice"? Of course not! We should make the words of this hymn our prayer, “Oh make me understand it, help me to take it in, ...