Hallmarks of Revival As Seen In The Reign of Hezekiah

from Assembly Testimony magazine, www.assemblytestimony.org Hallmarks of Revival As Seen In The Reign of Hezekiah by David McKinley (Canada) Paper 1 After the very evil reign of Ahaz we read of the commencement of Hezekiah’s reign with a sigh of relief and a spirit of thankfulness to God for granting revival to Judah after such a dark day. We shall consider some of the hallmarks of a true revival, while noting, with caution, the dangers that can ensue after a real movement of God’s grace, as seen in this king’s later years. ESTEEM FOR GOD’S HOUSE - "He in the first year of his reign, in the first month, opened the doors of the house of the LORD , and repaired them" 2 Chr. 29.3. The devil had triumphed in the reign of Ahaz in having the doors of God’s house closed up. The place where God’s honour dwelt was a cold, dark and silent monument to Israel’s sin of turning to other gods. The place of which God said: "For Mine house shall be...