Jeremiah - by F.B. Meyer

"Jeremiah has always a fascination to Christian hearts, because of the close similarity that exists between his life and that of Jesus Christ. Each of them was "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief"; each came to his own, and his own received him not; each passed through hours of rejection, desolation, and forsakeness. And in Jeremiah we may see beaten out into detail, experiences which, in our Lord, are but lightly touched on by the evangelists... ...There is an especial message in the ministry of Jeremiah for those who are compelled to stand alone, who fall into the ground to die, who fill up what is behind of the sufferings of Christ, and through death arise to bear fruit in the great world of men, which they passionately love. 1 "THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO ME" (Jeremiah 1:4, 12, 13) If the days of David and Solomon may be compared to spring and summer in the history of the Kingdom of Israel, it was late autumn when our ...