Holy Savior, we adore Thee, Seated on the throne of God; Soon in glory, all before Thee Shall proclaim Thy praise abroad. "Thou art worthy," "Thou art worthy," we were ransomed by thy blood. Savior, tho' the world despised thee, Tho' Thou here wast crucified, Yet the Father's glory raised Thee, Lord of all creation wide. "Thou art worthy," "Thou art worthy," We shall live, for Thou hast died. And thó here on earth rejected, 'Tis but fellowship with Thee; Should we not with joy expect it, Here like Thee, our Lord, to be? "Thou art worthy," "Thou art worthy," Thou from earth hast set us free. Haste the day of Thine appearing, With Thy ransomed saints to reign, Then shall end all days of mourning, We shall sine with triumph then. "Thou art worthy," "Thou art worthy," Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come. Samuel Prideaux Tregelles (1813-1875) Hymn # 66 in Hymns of Worship and Remembrance