An Anchor for the Soul

Donald L. Norbie When a ship comes into port it must be kept from drifting. The tides ebb and flow, causing a ship to drift. A storm may drive a ship onto the beach, causing extensive damage. A ship may moor to a pier and be secure. Or the captain may order the anchor lowered to keep the ship from drifting. Religions emphasize emotion as an indication of spirituality. Then, leaders will seek to whip up emotion. This may be done through ritual, singing, shouting or meditation. At times repetition of a phrase will work up a crowd’s emotions. Even an Islamic crowd can become intensely emotional, shouting the praises of Allah. A man here once said to me, ‘I love to go to that church to get high on Jesus’. But emotions come and go. It is impossible to sustain a ‘high’ indefinitely. How can one know that he is right with God? How can one be sure of forgiveness and of God’s commitment to him? A Christian who is relying on his emotions for sat...