by Donald Norbie - Greeley, CO The pristine glory of the early church is sullied by the hypocrisy of Ananias. He and his wife plan to make a show of generosity to the Lord, but to secretly withhold part of the sale price of their property. Oh, the bewitching power of Mammon! In many situations it would have gone undiscovered. Christians would have rejoiced over their generosity and they would have smugly smiled. But the piercing discernment of prophecy flowed in that congregation. Peter confronts Ananias in the moment of truth. With blazing eyes and cutting words Peter says, "You have not lied to men but to God" (Acts 5:4), and Ananias falls dead at Peter's feet. Awesome, isn't it? God's holiness is proclaimed and man's hypocrisy is laid bare. No wonder fear and reverence gripped the whole assembly. Their God was not a God with whom to trifle. Today sin may go undiscovered for years in a congregation, or if kno...