Missions & PsychoHeresy

by Martin and Deidre Bobgan | Aug 16, 2022 | "Christian Psychology" , Psychoheresy and Christian Organizations , Psychological Types & Tests In 1979 Bethany House published our first of 26 books: The Psychological Way / The Spiritual Way . At that time, we predicted that psychological theories and therapies, like the proverbial camel’s nose in the tent, would soon fill the entire Church. Indeed, from 1979 until now, psychological theories and therapies have mesmerized the Church, and the churches’ response has been adoption or capitulation. Nearly everywhere one looks in the Church, one will find much evidence of the psychological takeover of the Church’s understanding of the soul and of soul care itself. This psychological understanding of the soul and its care has infiltrated Christian churches, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, denominations, and mission agencies. Mission Agencies Every missionary cand...