The Divine Origin of Marriage - J.V. McGee

God has given more attention to the institution of marriage than He has to any other institution that’s in this world. Society never made marriage. Society found marriage. God made marriage, He gave it to mankind, and it rests upon His direct Word. “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matt. 19.6). God performed the first marriage ceremony. He gave away the first bride, and blessed the first couple. Marriage is more than just a legal contract. It’s more than an economical arrangement. It’s more than just a union of those with mutual love. It’s an act of God, and it rests upon His fiat command. There are many young people today who think that all you need to get married is a license and a preacher [or a justice of the peace], and then you’ve got it made. My beloved, if you’re going to have a successful marriage, you have to have God. God will have to make it. Otherwise that marriage must go on the rocks. God has g...