"... became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1.21-22) The scriptural distinctions between men (males) and women (females) are under attack in various ways. The enemies of divine truth are untiring in their assaults, and our failure to earnestly contend for the truth once delivered to the saints has facilitated the erosion of biblical values. The world constantly pushes to instill its values and opinions. The educational systems teach evolution as a fact, not a theory, and make humanity the result of a cosmic accident, pure chance. God is eliminated, and man is responsible to no one but himself. All around us we see the sad results, as society spins out of control. Schools and liberal media incessantly push their humanist agendas, without taking into account God or His Word. Sadly, Christians are often affected, to a greater degree than many of them realize. Thinking is contaminate...