From Scriptures such as Daniel and Revelation, we can see where this world's politics are headed. All roads lead to the Antichrist, the one world government under the man of sin, the beast. The fact that God permits certain forms of government does not mean that He prefers them. The world empires are called "beasts" in God's Word. Yes, even democracy is a beast. The kingdom of God is not a democracy, but a benign monarchy. And through faith in Christ one can come into the kingdom of God's dear Son (Colossians 1:15). This is what should occupy Christians, rather than politics. No one says it better than William MacDonald, in his book ONE DAY AT A TIME, the reading for January 18th, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight…” (John 18:36) The fact that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world is enough to keep me out of the world’s politics. If I participate in politics, then I am casting a vote of confid...