The Book Our Mother's Read

We search the world for truth; we cull
The good, the pure, the beautiful,
From graven stone and written scroll.
And all old flower-fields of the soul;
And, weary seekers of the best,
We come back laden from the quest,
To find that all the sages said
Is in the Book our mothers read.
--John Greenleaf Whittier
But today's mother's are better known for cell phones and handing off their children so they can pursue their careers. I wonder, what legacy, what firm foundation, what fond memories will these poor children have when they are older? If it is to be "the Book our mothers read", then there are a lot of mothers who need to put down the phone, turn off the T.V. and start reading the Book!
But today's mother's are better known for cell phones and handing off their children so they can pursue their careers. I wonder, what legacy, what firm foundation, what fond memories will these poor children have when they are older? If it is to be "the Book our mothers read", then there are a lot of mothers who need to put down the phone, turn off the T.V. and start reading the Book!