Dale's Accordion

This excellent article appeared in the January 1, 1999 issue of The Smithsonian magazine. It can be found now at Smithsonian.com "Let's Get Dale to Play!" by Bruce Watson When my daughter entere d first grade last fall, I was not afraid to raise the really tough questions. Striding up to her teacher, I asked, "Who's your class accordion player?" My own first grade had an accordion player, and I assumed the accordion was still the official instrument of first grade. I was shocked to find that not a single child in my daughter's class played it. Lawrence Welk died in vain. Dale Slaney was our accordionist. He was as big-eared and dorky as the rest of us in 1959. This was the age of Brylcreem, and a little dab did Dale into a freckle-faced rube with an accordion strapped across his chest. The occasion for a performance mattered little. A birthday? Miss Barnes would light up and say: "Let's get Dale to play 'Happy Birthd...