Standing Alone

What does it mean to "stand alone"? Stand Alone for Truth upholding righteousness for the glory of God As a believer, it is likely that some time during your life you will be challenged to stand alone —to be in a situation that forces you to decide if you will obey God or “follow the crowd.” Your decision will either glorify God or give the enemies of God an opportunity to scorn Him . (See II Samuel 12:14.) Your circumstances may involve something as seemingly insignificant as refusing to let your child participate in a school activity, or they may involve a situation that would demand great sacrifice on your part, such as the loss of a job or even your life. Consider a Biblical Example of “Standing Alone” The life of Daniel provides an outstanding example of one who was willing to stand alone. When faced with the choice to either forsake his allegiance to the Lord or be thrown into a lions’ den, he chose to face the lions. Daniel was willing to for...