Christ or Antichrist
“We will not have this man to reign over us” Luke 9:14
This is the world’s attitude toward Jesus Christ. Doing His will is the farthest thing from the mind of worldlings. His name is only a swear word to them, said in frustration or anger. They reject Christ's authority, but they WILL have a man reign over them.

The believer who is faithful to Christ will suffer this same attitude of reproach and rejection, simply for being loyal and obedient to Christ. Be clear about this. A Christian cannot enter the world’s politics or society except by distancing himself from Christ. And there is a stern warning: "If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15).
In contrast, we who love the Lord declare the opposite: “We will have this blessed Man, God incarnate, to reign over us,” and our prayer is as He taught us, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
God's Man, or the devil's. God's kingdom, or the devil's. God's will, or the devil's. There is no middle ground, no third option.
Carl Knott
Take the world, but give me Jesus,
All its joys are but a name;
But His love abideth ever,
Through eternal years the same.
All its joys are but a name;
But His love abideth ever,
Through eternal years the same.
Fanny Crosby
And He shall reign
for ever and ever. Hallelujah!