God Now Commands All Men Everywhere To Repent

God...now commands all men everywhere to repent: because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness" (Acts 17:30-31). Paul continues in Athens describing the true God and exhorting the Athenians that their thoughts about God were wrong - the true God was not a benign God that smiled on their sin and lifestyle; He was a holy God who commanded repentance and warned of coming judgment to the unrepentant sinner. God Now We can almost hear the educated audience of Athens say, "it is not wise to create that sense of urgency Paul." "Do not use the world 'now.'" "There is plenty of time." Today the response is no different. Paul was no salesman; his interest was not in mass hysteria on a sham message but real conversion before the truth of a holy God in the light of coming judgment. He could not promise tomorrow. The message is still, " Now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvatio...