Thousands Forget There Were Two

    “Oh, of course, I intend to be saved sometime, but there is no use being in a hurry about it. There is always a chance, even at the eleventh hour. Remember the dying thief,” a young man said carelessly when spoken to about his soul at the close of a gospel meeting.
    “Which thief?” he was asked.
    “Why, I had really forgotten there were two. I mean the saved one,” was the reply, as an anxious expression came over his face.   
    “Yes, one was saved, and is in heaven now. The other, who had an equal opportunity for salvation, is wailing in hell. What guarantee do you have that you will not spend eternity as he will, rather than as the other?”
    It was a word fitly spoken, an arrow that pierced his conscience. The young man was led to see the folly of further procrastination, and that night he was saved for eternity, through repenting of his sins and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord.
    Thousands like him forget that there were two thieves. They remember the mercy of God that saved the one, while forgetting the judgment of God dealt out to the other. They wander on carelessly,hoping to be saved at the last, but in the end die in their sin and are damned forever. They heard the gospel of God’s grace often, but rejected it until it was too late.
    We now ask, which thief would you be like?
    We remember speaking to a very distinguished lady who, when told the way of salvation, “repentence toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ,” (Acts 20:21) replied indignantly, “You do not mean to say I have to go to heaven like the dying thief, do you?”
    “No,” we replied, “you do not have to. But if you reject Christ, you will have to go to hell like the other.”
    We would remind the reader:
    The saved thief believed on the Son of God, and is with Christ now.
    The lost thief scorned the Saviour, and is the depths of woe.
    You MUST be with one or the other for eternity.                    
                                                       - H.A.Ironside

        Read Luke 23:39-43 for an account of the two thieves.
Eternity Where?

    “Because there is wrath, beware lest He take thee away with His stroke: then a great ransom cannot deliver thee” (Job 36:18).

    “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Heb. 2:3).

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