Two Perils

by Donald Grey Barnhouse "The perils that are to be avoided, then, in looking at life are two. The first peril to avoid is that of thinking that the man of refined nature who picks out the dry spots along the swampy road to Hell is really on the road to Heaven because his life is so much better than that of the man who wallows in all the filth to Hell. The second peril to avoid is that of thinking that the man who professes to believe, who turns aside at one of Satan's many imitation gates, but yet goes on his life way wallowing in sin, has really passed through the real gate of Christ. In other words, there is a counterfeit road for the one who refuses Christ, and there is a counterfeit gate for the mere religious professor who does not truly possess new life in Christ..." "...I wish to add to that preaching an increasing emphasis on the necessity of giving diligence to make our calling and election sure by a constant walking...