Bridal Affection
“The Spirit and the Bride say – COME” – Rev. 22:17
Beloved of the Lord:
A frequent question is heard from lips and hearts of many saints today; “WHEN will the Lord return? WHEN shall we see His face?” Perplexing and difficult circumstances may provoke this and problems that are domestic, social, political and ecclesiastical prevail. A spiritual believer knows that the coming of the Lord is the only solution for them all. Yet we who constitute His Bride, the Church, are we longing with bridal affection for the coming of our beloved Bridegroom? Do bridal affections characterize us as we wait for Him to come?
1 – THE UNITED VOICES OF THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE – They both are to say – “COME” each expressing the longing desire for the Bridegroom's return. The preceding Scripture of Rev. 22:16 should be noted as the basis of these words. First, the royal relationship of Christ to Israel is declared – “I am the ROOT and OFFSPRING of David”. The pronoun “I” is emphatic. In His deity, Christ is the ROOT of David 's house and in His humanity the OFFSPRING of David. He is David's lord and David's son. The crown of Israel belongs to Him. He was born King of the Jews (Matt. 2:2). He died as King of the Jews (Matt. 27:37) He will reign as King of the Jews (Zech. 9:9)
The Lord adds a special note for His Bride in relation to Himself: – “I am the Bright and Morning Star”. Why? He declares that BEFORE the Millennial day dawns; BEFORE the judgments of God desolate the earth; BEFORE the glories of His kingdom are over the earth, He will appear to His Bride as “The Bright and Morning Star”. The Bride is NOT to look for the “great and terrible day of the Lord”. Neither for “the Sun of righteousness” (Mal. 4:2), for the “Bright Morning Star” precedes the shining of the “SUN” by at least seven years (Dan. 9:27). It is “AFTER THIS” – after He comes for His Bride, He will rise in noonday splendor to Israel – note carefully, Acts 15:13-18.
2 – THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BRIDE – The opening words of Rev. 22:17 reveal that the Lord's purpose is NOT to bring before our hearts future glory, but rather HIMSELF! The blessed Bridegroom is seeking to stir up the slumbering affections of His Bride and to awaken her heart to LONG for Him to come! He yearns that the Bride will long to see His blessed face and be with Him. Why not? Is He not worthy? With present day complex and difficult problems prevailing, is it not possible - that through them He is seeking to create the proper Bridal affection for His coming? – to long for HIMSELF! Yet, how are we responding?
It is the voice of our Beloved speaking – “I am the Bright and Morning Star”. The answer should be – “The Spirit AND the Bride say COME”. It is not to be the response of the Spirit only, but also of the Bride jointly with the Spirit. Neither is it the Spirit speaking IN the Bride, but the Spirit AND the Bride in affectionate unison longing for Him to come! Bridal affection on our part He desires. Is this really WHY we want Him to come? Whatever pressure, good or bad, above all, there should be the pre-eminent desire to see our beloved Bridegroom face to face.',to anticipate that we shall forever be the object of His eternal love! Let us ask our hearts the question – “Is the MORNING STAR shining IN MY HEART?” – 2 Pet. 1:19. If so, we can sincerely say,
“I am waiting for the coming of the Lord Who died for me;
Oh, the words have thrilled my spirit, “I will come again for thee.”
Faith can almost hear His footfall on the threshold of the door,
And my heart, my heart is longing to be with Him evermore!”
– S. Trevor Francis
What else can we say but MARANATHA!
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Bro. John Bramhall was called into the Lord's presence in spring of 2001, at 101 years of age. In the last year of his life he still wrote letters of encouragement like this one each month, played the piano, and preached a weekly radio program. He truly loved the Lord and was an encourager of the believers. It was hard to be around him and not love the Lord more! Yet we find there is today a cooling off in many places, among the older and especially the young people who feel drawn toward the world. May we rekindle our love for the Bridegroom and live in anticipation of His soon return!
Beloved of the Lord:
A frequent question is heard from lips and hearts of many saints today; “WHEN will the Lord return? WHEN shall we see His face?” Perplexing and difficult circumstances may provoke this and problems that are domestic, social, political and ecclesiastical prevail. A spiritual believer knows that the coming of the Lord is the only solution for them all. Yet we who constitute His Bride, the Church, are we longing with bridal affection for the coming of our beloved Bridegroom? Do bridal affections characterize us as we wait for Him to come?
1 – THE UNITED VOICES OF THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE – They both are to say – “COME” each expressing the longing desire for the Bridegroom's return. The preceding Scripture of Rev. 22:16 should be noted as the basis of these words. First, the royal relationship of Christ to Israel is declared – “I am the ROOT and OFFSPRING of David”. The pronoun “I” is emphatic. In His deity, Christ is the ROOT of David 's house and in His humanity the OFFSPRING of David. He is David's lord and David's son. The crown of Israel belongs to Him. He was born King of the Jews (Matt. 2:2). He died as King of the Jews (Matt. 27:37) He will reign as King of the Jews (Zech. 9:9)
The Lord adds a special note for His Bride in relation to Himself: – “I am the Bright and Morning Star”. Why? He declares that BEFORE the Millennial day dawns; BEFORE the judgments of God desolate the earth; BEFORE the glories of His kingdom are over the earth, He will appear to His Bride as “The Bright and Morning Star”. The Bride is NOT to look for the “great and terrible day of the Lord”. Neither for “the Sun of righteousness” (Mal. 4:2), for the “Bright Morning Star” precedes the shining of the “SUN” by at least seven years (Dan. 9:27). It is “AFTER THIS” – after He comes for His Bride, He will rise in noonday splendor to Israel – note carefully, Acts 15:13-18.
2 – THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BRIDE – The opening words of Rev. 22:17 reveal that the Lord's purpose is NOT to bring before our hearts future glory, but rather HIMSELF! The blessed Bridegroom is seeking to stir up the slumbering affections of His Bride and to awaken her heart to LONG for Him to come! He yearns that the Bride will long to see His blessed face and be with Him. Why not? Is He not worthy? With present day complex and difficult problems prevailing, is it not possible - that through them He is seeking to create the proper Bridal affection for His coming? – to long for HIMSELF! Yet, how are we responding?
It is the voice of our Beloved speaking – “I am the Bright and Morning Star”. The answer should be – “The Spirit AND the Bride say COME”. It is not to be the response of the Spirit only, but also of the Bride jointly with the Spirit. Neither is it the Spirit speaking IN the Bride, but the Spirit AND the Bride in affectionate unison longing for Him to come! Bridal affection on our part He desires. Is this really WHY we want Him to come? Whatever pressure, good or bad, above all, there should be the pre-eminent desire to see our beloved Bridegroom face to face.',to anticipate that we shall forever be the object of His eternal love! Let us ask our hearts the question – “Is the MORNING STAR shining IN MY HEART?” – 2 Pet. 1:19. If so, we can sincerely say,
“I am waiting for the coming of the Lord Who died for me;
Oh, the words have thrilled my spirit, “I will come again for thee.”
Faith can almost hear His footfall on the threshold of the door,
And my heart, my heart is longing to be with Him evermore!”
– S. Trevor Francis
What else can we say but MARANATHA!
Faithfully yours in Christ,