The Bible Is Right

"The Bible is right. It is the critics who are wrong. It is the work of the critics, and not the Word of God, of which it can with truth be said 'much has gone' and 'more may go.' We stand today where our fathers stood; their faith is our faith, their Bible is our Bible, and their God is our God. We live today in the faith in which our fathers lived, the faith in which our fathers died, the faith by which they found their way to God; and this faith is generated in us by the testimony of the Spirit through the reading of the Word. We affirm, with no less honesty and candour, with no less reason and understanding of the points at issue, and with no less devotion to the supremacy of the claims of truth than those who hold the contrary opinion, that Adam and Noah, Joseph and Johan, David and Daniel are not myths but men, and that an unprejudiced, scholarly estimate of all the evidence available for the solution of the doubts that the critics have raised in relation to this matter, will lead to the inevitable judicial conclusion that the theories of the critics are false, whilst the affirmations of the Bible are true."

from pages 28-29 of HOW TO MASTER THE BIBLE, by Martin Anstey, Scripture Teaching Library
His book is available at:

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