The Happy Dead


Read Rev.14:13

Beloved of the Lord:
    The world says –  “Blessed are the living,” but GOD says - “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord”.  The natural man declares –  “Better is a living dog than a dead lion” – Eccl. 9:4. The world gazes on one with bounding step, bloom of youth, earthly prosperity, and says – “THERE is a happy person”.  Contrariwise, God says – of a saint in death – “BLESSED (or happy) are the dead.”  This is true of deceased saints of all times who have gone into His eternal presence.  Let us consider:

1.  THEIR ETERNAL HAPPINESS: They have entered into eternal happiness for ever, into the brightest place of God's universe, His immediate presence!  What a wonderful transition it is to be “WITH CHRIST – FAR BETTER – AT HOME” – with the Lord.  Multitudes in vast number have departed into eternity, yet only a minority “in the Lord”– Matt.7:13,14. The Christ-less dead go into a Christ-less eternity!  BUT – how precious it is to “die in the Lord”, saved by His grace and washed in His blood, knowing – “In THY presence is fulness of joy and at THY right hand there are pleasures for evermore” – Psalm 16:11.  If it is happy to have His smile here, how much happier to have His smile there!  If it is sweet to have an anchor “within the veil” now, how much better to be there where there is no gloom and shadows!  If it be joyful to walk with Him on earth, how much better to walk with Him above! – WHAT ETERNAL HAPPINESS!

2. THEIR ETERNAL REST:  “ from their labours” writes the Spirit of God.  It is written – “There remaineth therefore a REST (an eternal sabbath) to the people of God” Heb. 4:9.  Rest from toil, pain, sorrow, heartaches and every earthly trial!  What will it be to dwell for ever in the sunshine of His eternal love above, seeing the blessed face of the Lord and rejoicing in Him for ever!  Surely the Lord speaks to them and says that “HE will rejoice over them with joy; HE will rest in His love; HE will exult over them with singing” – Zeph. 3:17.  What blessedness it must be!– ETERNAL REST.

3.  THEIR ETERNAL REWARD: “And their works follow with them” (JND Trans.) How true!– for “the Lord is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward His Name” – Heb. 6:10. HE REMEMBERS! – even to the giving of a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple – Matt. l0:42. “If any man's work abide he shall receive a reward” is God's promise (1 Cor. 3:14).  The world and even God's people may forget and disregard their works, but God eternally remembers!  Note carefully the text declares that “their works follow WITH THEM”.  They accompany them! This is ALL we take with us when going to be “with the Lord.”  May we have much to take! – for what a blessed ETERNAL REWARD.

(1)    “THE BLESSED DEAD” – for so He sweetly calls them,
    “The blessed dead” – who in the Lord have died,
    While from us to the heavenly home now taken,
    Twixt whom and us death's stream doth now divide.

(2)    They are at rest! from labours that are ended;
    The earthly toils and tasks for them are done.
    Their course is finished, warfare fully over;
    Their race, their noble race completely won.

(3)    And now their works, their God owned works do follow,
    Their works still live, though they have onward passed.
    They lived for Him, for Him they truly laboured,
    And He ordains that now their works shall last.

(4)    Dear blessed dead!  Tis not as dead we view them!
    They live beyond – in heaven's abiding place;
    And we shall meet, when our course, too is finished,
    And share the fadeless joys of matchless grace.   
                        J. Danson Smith.

    Faithfully yours in Christ,
    John Bramhall


John William Bramhall (1899-2001) faithfully served the Lord and encouraged many hearts by his visits and Christ-centered ministry. For years he sent out a ministry letter to edify believers. The above is one of them. 



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