To a follower of the meek and lowly Lord Jesus Christ, who for our sakes became poor, it is clear from the facts than that politics is not only vain and corrupted, it is also a rich man's game, and the amounts being spent are absolutely immoral! Consider the following quotes taken from CNN article: "White House hopefuls burn millions on Super Tuesday ads":

Spending on political ads in the Super Tuesday states alone could reach an unprecedented $20 million, the Campaign Media Analysis Group estimates...

A vast majority of the spending -- nearly 90 percent -- is being done by the two remaining top-tier Democratic candidates: Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Both campaigns are well funded. On Thursday, they reported that they both had roughly $18 million in cash at the end of December to spend during the primary season, according to the campaigns' reports to the Federal Election Commission.

The Obama campaign also announced Thursday that it raised $32 million in contributions in January.

Flush with campaign funds, Obama spent $4 million on television advertising the last week of January, much of it going to advertising in the biggest Super Tuesday prize: California...

Not to be outdone, Clinton spent over $3.5 million on television advertising the last week of January, CMAG estimated. Like Obama, the New York senator spent much of her money on California advertising...

McCain spent close to $2 million on ads in Florida alone the week before that state's crucial primary.

On Thursday, Romney's campaign also announced it will purchase time to air television advertising in California and in other Super Tuesday states. The ad buy is estimated to cost between $2 million and $3 million, the campaign told CNN.

These millions are not helping anyone in the country. They are not producing jobs. They are not giving relief to the poor or unemployed or debt-burdened. Much less are they printing Bibles or Gospel tracts or supporting evangelistic work whereby people might hear the truth that can set them free and REALLY change their lives. No, these lavish funds are being spent with wanton abandon to buy "air-time" and "billboard space" for political candidates. And the media may report it, but don't think the media can criticize it even for a minute. The media LOVES the agonizing long American political process because that's one way the media gets rich! There is a kind of symbiosis between the media and politics.

Should Christians contribute in any way to such a system -- money -- time -- etc.? The Lord Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world, else would my servants fight." Every dollar a Christian spends on politics is a dollar wasted that could have been invested in the Gospel. Every minute spent on politics is a minute wasted that could have been spent preaching the Word of God or praying -- far more effective and FREE! The kingdom of the Lord is not furthered by politics. That vain, carnal, corrupt system will only produce at last the Antichrist and his world government. Here's some good advice: If you don't like where that bus is headed, don't get on, and if you're already on, time to admit your mistake and get off!

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