Why Do Some Christians Put Their Faith In Politics?

William MacDonald, when asked if he voted, replied in the negative. When asked why not, he would often say with a twinkle in his eye, "because my candidate is not running." He referred, of course, to the Lord Jesus Christ! He also pointed out on more than one occasion that when someone votes, by voting he expresses a certain confidence in the political system and politicians. The question is, why would anyone, much less a Christian, have confidence in the political system and politicians?
Political activists in churches frequently offer what is their typical answer to this searching question, stating that it is part of government and that God has established government and ordained it, citing Romans 13, and they conclude that therefore it is our duty to be involved in the political process. A weak argument, at best. One of its flaws is the failure to distinguish between government and politics. God did not establish politics, and politicians and political parties are not recognized offices in the government.
And with regard to "picking the right man", how can we do this when actually the political parties, themselves corrupt and godless, choose their candidate and thus tell us who we are allowed to vote for? Only God knows the heart, and the future of a person, and who should lead a nation. That is why we can do more on our knees in prayer than we can in a voting booth.
For example, has President Bush been "the right man"? Remember that many evangelicals voted almost as a bloc for him, and like to believe that he is a fine example of a Christian president. On that point, consider the following comments from Dave Hunt:

Confusing Signals From President Bush

by Dave Hunt

“It is said that President Bush is a born-again Christian who prays on his face before God every morning. Yet Bush calls Islam a ‘religion of peace,’ even though it is the most vicious religion in history, responsible for the slaughter of untold millions – a slaughter that continues today worldwide. How can Bush be a true Christian and tell such a lie, not once but repeatedly? He calls Muhammed (the founder of this murderous ‘faith’ and himself a murderer of many) a prophet of the true God – and the Qu’ran the Word of God! Bush can hardly be ignorant of the fact that sixteen times the Qu’ran denies that Jesus is the Son of God. It also denies that He died on the Cross for the sins of the world, denies the resurrection, and every other Christian doctrine. Yet Bush praises Islam?
Where is the practical evidence in everyday leadership that Bush is following Christ with his whole heart and not just playing both sides for political purposes? The rebellion that began with Satan in heaven and spread to Eden is rampant in America and worldwide. Neither God nor Christ is honored in the United Nations. What country’s leaders actually seek and follow the guidance of the Creator of all? America is right where Israel was when God lamented, ‘Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter’ (Is. 59:14).”
Dave Hunt, excerpt from “Justice, Forgiveness and Transformation”,
in the April 2008 issue of The Berean Call. www.thebereancall.org

Yet again we see how confusing the signals are from the professing "Christian" politicians, who are "the best" that politics has to offer! The believer is cast upon God, who alone knows the hearts of men. God is not a Republican, nor is He a Democrat. He is not a politician. He is the unelected Sovereign Ruler of all, and is "Holy, Holy, Holy." Believers should draw near to Him in prayer, worship Him, pray for those in authority, live quiet and obedient lives, preach the Gospel, obey God before men, and trust God for the future.

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