From William Blane's poem, The Atonement

William Blane of South Africa wrote a poem called THE ATONEMENT.
It takes up 22 pages in his book titled: Lays of Life and Hope.
This is just one little part of his superb work.

Th’ Atonement was no business act

In which the Saviour did contract
To undergo so many pains
That He might cleanse so many’s stains.
He gave His all—His life’s blood flowed
To reconcile the world to God.
‘Twixt God and man, to close the rent,
The spotless Lamb of God was sent.
If all the sins of Adam’s race,
With perfect justice to each case,
In Heaven’s balances were laid,
They would be utterly outweigh’d
By Jesus’ death. The value lies
All in th’ infinite sacrifice:
When Christ for man was crucified,
Th’ Creator for the creature died.

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