"Satan by his propaganda has brought into disrepute many of life's verities, including the conscience. When conscience is mentioned now in learned circles, it is mentioned only with a smirk. That is one way the devil has of getting rid of things - getting us humans to make jokes about them. It is part of the process by which the mind is corrupted, for whenever any humor takes holy things for its object, that humor is devilish.
   In our day Christians are fast becoming sacrilegious jokesters. They joke about death and life. They joke about prayer and God. And they joke about the conscience... That Light which God has set within the human breast, which can isolate a soul and hang it between heaven and hell, as lonely as if God had created but that one person - that is not a joking matter. Joke about politics if you must joke. Politics is usually funny anyway. But do not joke about God..."

excerpt from page 70 of A.W. Tozer's book FAITH BEYOND REASON, Christian Publications

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