"I'll Pay Your Bills"

This is the text of the English version of the Spanish Gospel tract that we are distributing in our area (the English version is available from The Tract League --  http://tractleague.com/tracts/ill-pay-your-bills/

I’LL PAY YOUR BILLS! screamed the big white letters.
“Just what you need,” said Tom as he and John stopped in front of the sign. “You’ve been worrying about those doctor bills.”
Tom read the small print out loud: Come to 137 Main Street at 1:00 p.m. Saturday with evidence to show you have bills to pay and I’ll pay them for you.
John looked excited.
“You surely don’t believe it, do you?” laughed Tom. “There’ll be a catch to it somewhere.”
John took a deep breath. “I just wish it were true,” he said. “It’s too good to be true.” John glanced at the sign every day as he left the factory. He certainly had bills to pay. Saturday noon he made up his mind and hurried to the address. He expected to see a crowd, but there was no one there. Timidly he knocked. The door opened and a grey-haired man invited him in.
“Is it true you’ll pay my debts?” asked John.
“Yes,” answered the man kindly. “Just show me your bills and I’ll give you the money.”  He walked into a room where three others were sitting. They waited till one o’clock.
The old man smiled. “Only four of you, “ he said. “I guess the others would not believe the sign. Now their chance is gone.”
“Before I give you the money,” he continued, “you must hear my story.  Some time ago I learned about the love of God, who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the debts we owe our Maker. If He had not come we would all be condemned because we fail utterly to pay God the debts we owe.  I was so happy that I wanted to tell others, but very few would listen. So I put up this sign, and only four came. The others would not believe. And now I want you to go out and tell others how I paid your debt. And tell them too that Jesus Christ lived and died and rose again to pay their debts to God.”
The grey-haired man gave them all the money they needed and opened the door to let them out. A little crowd was waiting.
“Did he really pay your debts?” they asked.
When the four showed them the money, the others said, “We’ll all go in now!”
But the old man shook his head. “It’s too late now,” he said as he sadly closed the door.
“If only I had believed that sign,” said Tom who had joined John. “I was a fool.”
John told Tom what the old man had said about the other debt to God, the debt Jesus offers to pay for us. “And we better not be too late for that one,” said Tom thoughtfully.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16

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