Advice to Women: Seek the Inner Adorning

“...a Christian woman should be very careful about the kind of person she sets up as a model of character and example in daily life. It is a sad thing to have our minds occupied with the wrong kind of people!

English history books will not report that Suzanna Wesley was one of the best-dressed women of her day or that she ever received a medal for social activity. But she was the mother of Charles and John Wesley, those princes of Christian song and theology. She taught her own family, and her spiritual life and example have placed her high in God’s hall of fame for all eternity.
So, if you want to take models to follow day by day, please do not take the artificial, globe-trotting females who are intent only upon themselves, their careers and their publicity! God help us all men and women of whatever marital, social or domestic status, that we may do the will of God and thus win our crown!”

A. W. Tozer, Renewed Day By Day, Christian Publications, Camp Hill, PA, excerpt from the reading for September 22

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