Behold, My Saviour For Me Died

tune: Whitburn

Behold, my Saviour for me died,
This world my Lord has crucified,
And now because He loved me so,
Outside the came, to Him I go.

His love has called my heart away
From this world's glittering vain display,
To find in Him my treasure store
Of joy and rest for evermore.

How can I ever friendly be
With this dark world that hated Thee,
Lord keep me ever near Thy side,
That I may in Thy love abide.

Outside the came He went for me,
He bore my sins at Calvary,
His finished work can never fail,
And I am brought within the veil.

Inside the veil, the sprinkled blood
Has satisfied the claims of God,
And through that new and living way
I find communion day by day.

Jesus my great High Priest is there,
And He presents my praise and prayer,
He bears my name upon His breast,
And in His love secure I rest.

Outside the came, to Him I go
In His rejection here below,
Inside the veil I soon shall be,
Where all His glory I shall see.

Within the veil, O wondrous thought,
Home to Himself in glory brought,
To praise the love, the power and grace
That brought me to yon blessed place.

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