The Dangers of Too Much Liberty

A. W. Tozer

Freedom is liberty within bounds: liberty to obey holy laws, liberty to keep the commandments of Christ, to serve mankind, to develop to the full all the latent possibilities within our redeemed natures. True Christian liberty never sets us free to indulge our lusts or to follow our fallen impulses. The desire for unqualified freedom caused the fall of Lucifer and wrought the destruction of the angels that sinned. These sought freedom to do as they willed, and to get it they threw away the beautiful liberty that meant freedom to do the will of God. And the human race followed them in their tragic moral blunder.
     To anyone who bothers to think a bit it should be evident that there is in the universe no such thing as absolute freedom. Only God is free. It is inherent in creaturehood that its freedom must be limited by the will of the Creator and the nature of the thing created. The glory of heaven lies in the character of the freedom enjoyed by those who dwell therein. That innumerable company of angels, the general assembly and church of the first born and the spirits of just men made perfect are at liberty to fulfill all the broad purposes of God, and this liberty secures for them an infinitely greater degree of happiness than unqualified freedom could do.
     Unqualified freedom in any area of human life is deadly. In government it is anarchy, in domestic life free love, and in religion antinomianism. The freest cells in the body are cancer cells, but they kill the organism where they grow. A healthy society requires that its members accept a limited freedom. Each must curtail his own liberty that all may be free, and this law runs throughout all the created universe, including the kingdom of God.  
     Too much liberty weakens whatever it touches. The corn of wheat can bring forth fruit only as it waives its freedom and surrenders itself to the laws of nature. The robin may fly about all summer enjoying her freedom, but if she wants a nest full of fledglings she must sit for weeks a voluntary captive while the mystery of life gestates beneath her soft feathers. She has her choice: be free and barren or curtail her freedom and bring forth young. Every man in a free society must decide whether he will exploit his liberty or curtail it for intelligent and moral ends. The Christian cannot escape the peril of too much liberty. He is indeed free, but his very freedom may prove a source of temptation to him.
He is free from the chains of sin, free from the moral consequences of evil acts now forgiven, and free from the curse of the law. Grace has opened the prison doors for him, and like Barabbas of old he walks at liberty because Another died in his stead. All this the instructed Christians knows and will not permit false teachers and misguided ‘religionists’ to rivet a yoke of bondage upon his neck. But now what shall he do with his freedom?
     Two possibilities off themselves. He may accept his blood-won freedom as a cloak for the flesh, as the new testament declares that some have done, or he may kneel like the camel to receive his voluntary burden.
     And what is this burden? The woes of his fellowmen which he must do what he can to assuage; the debt which he along with Paul owes to the lost world; the sound of hungry children crying in the night; the church of Babylonian captivity; the swift onrush of evil doctrines and the success of false prophets; and the slow decay of the moral foundations. And whatever else demands self-sacrifice: cross-carrying, long prayer vigils, and courageous witness to alleviate and correct.
     Christianity is the religion of freedom and democracy is freedom in organized society. If we continue to misunderstand this, we may soon have neither. When in danger the state can conscript men to fight for her freedom, but there are no conscripts in the army of the Lord. To bear a cross the Christian must take it up of his own free will. No authority can compel us to feed the hungry, evangelize the lost, pray for revival, or sacrifice ourselves for Christ’s sake and the sake of suffering humanity. The ideal Christian is one who knows he is free as he wills, and wills to be a servant.  

 GOD TELLS THE MAN WHO CARES, Christian Publications, chapter 36

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