A Sense of Sin

It is neither truthful, helpful nor spiritual to explain away sin or blame it on others. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment (Jn. 14:8). 
F. E. Marsh wrote: "He who knows not the Spirit's operation will not experience the saving of grace. . . A sense of sin is the starting point in the work of grace. The very first thing the Holy Spirit produces in the soul is a consciousness of the evil of sin. Where this is lacking His grace is wanting. Samuel Rutherford, in writing to one, says: ‘Many are beguiled with this, that they are free of scandalous and crying abominations; but the tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is for the fire. The man that is not born again cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Common honesty will not take men to heaven. Alas, that men should think that ever they met with Christ, who never had a sick night, through the terrors of God on their souls, or a sore heart for [because of] sin.’ A sense of darkness and emptiness is the precursor of light and satisfaction, for 'the Spirit moved' are the words which ever go before 'Let there be light.'”

F. E. Marsh, Emblems of the Holy Spirit, Kregel, 1957, p. 3.

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