God Teaches Us His Gospel: A lesson for young people

by Bruce Hulshizer
from the August 2016 issue of Milk & Honey

1. Read These Verses In Your Bible: Romans 1:18-2:16

Immoral people know God and will be judged for their evil lives (chapter 1 verse 18 to 32).

Some people might want to say they do not know there is a God. But God has shown everyone that He is the powerful One who is greater than them. Everyone can look at the order and greatness of what God made. There is no possible way the universe just happened. They know there must be a mighty Creator!
     The real problem is that people know there is a God, but they do not want to give God glory. They want to be their own boss. They do not want to have to listen to their Creator. They ignore God.
     So, men have made “god” into something they make with their own hands. God is awesome, but men changed Him into someone little! They imagine a “god” that is not true.
     They have the truth about God being above them, but they do not honor Him as God. They do not thank Him. They do not want God or His rules. They do not want God to tell them what to do or not to do! So, God lets them live evil lives. And the things they do become more and more evil.
     Do they know God sees what they are doing? Do they know God will judge them? Do they know God will punish their unrighteous deeds? Yes! But they do wrong anyway! So, “immoral” people know God, and they know that God expects men to do right. They have the truth that there is a God through seeing His creation, but they do not obey what they know. This person is in great danger of God’s judgment! His evil actions will be punished! When God judges him, he will not have any excuse!

Moral people live better lives, but are they right with God? (chapter 2 verse 1 to 16)

     Do you agree with me about the immoral persons? Maybe you agree that they deserve to be judged by God. Well, you are in danger of judgment from God also! You might think you are okay because you do not do such evil things. Compared to an immoral person, you are a good, moral person. So does that make you righteous?
     Does God judge by comparing who is better? No! He would not be a righteous judge if He did that! You know His judgment is based on the truth. He looks at you and sees everything about you. Other people do not see what you think, but God does. Other people do not know what you do in secret, but God does!
     Have you ever had an evil thought? Have you ever wanted to do something mean to someone? Have you ever done something wrong when no one was around? Have you ever felt bad for what you said or did?
     God sees past what you seem to be. He judges what you really are! Are you perfect? If your life was only, always doing good, then God could give you eternal life. But inside you have a conscience - it makes you feel bad for doing wrong things. Do you really always do what is perfect? God knows you do not.
     So, you may be a “moral” person. You know that God expects you to live right and do good. You have the truth, and you think about right and wrong with your conscience. But God looks at all of your life. He even sees in secret. Only a perfect life can avoid righteous punishment. You know you do not have a perfect life. So you are in great danger of judgment from God too! God must give wrath to those who are unrighteous, and you do not have an excuse!

2. Review By Answering These Questions.
 List Two key words or ideas in this lesson
1. Paul begins by showing all people are in danger of facing what for their unrighteousness? p_______________
2. The first group of people Paul talks about are what kind of people? i____________
3. People know the truth that there is a God through looking at what? God’s c___________.
4. People do not want to admit that they know about God because they do not want to do what? o______ God
5. The immoral person is in danger of judgment and they do not have any what? e_________
6. What kind of person agrees that immoral people should be judged by God, but thinks he is better? m________
7. God does not judge by comparing one person with another to see who is better, because His judgment is not what? r___________
8. God sees what people really are, even what they do where? In s__________
9. God expects a perfect life because He has what kind of judgment? r_______________
10. Moral people still do wrong things even though they know right and wrong by what? c____________ g


Hey! Don't scroll down until you finish answering the questions!

Answers to Questions
1. punishment 2. immoral
3. creation 4. obey
5. excuse 6. moral
7. relative 8. secret

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