The Hope Of Christ's Return

Excerpts from A. W. Tozer
   Are you ready for the appearing of Jesus Christ or are you among those ho are merely curious about His coming?
    Let me warn you that many preachers and Bible teachers will answer to God some day for encouraging curious speculations about the return of Jesus Christ and failing to stress the necessity for "loving His appearing"!
     ....I cannot think of even one lonely passage in the New Testament which speaks of Christ's revelation, manifestation, appearing or coming that is not directly linked with moral conduct, faith and spiritual holiness.
    ....The prophetic teacher ho engages in speculation to excite the curiosity of his hearers without providing them with a moral application is sinning even as he preaches.
    There have been enough foolish formulas advanced about the return of Christ by those who were simply curious to cause many believers to give the matter no further thought or concern. But Peter said to expect "the appearing of Jesus Christ." Paul said there is a crown of righteousness laid up in glory for all those who love His appearing. John spoke of his hope of seeing Jesus and bluntly wrote: "Every man that hath this home in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure" (1 John 3:3).

    ...It seems incredible that proud men and women, both in the church and outside the church - refuse to give heed to the victorious eternal plan of Jesus Christ.
    Most of the reasons for the neglect of Christ's promises are all too evident among us today.
    For one thing, modern man is too impatient to wait for the promises of God. He takes the short-range view of things.
    He is surrounded by gadgets that get things done in a hurry...he is almost always in a hurry and can't bear to wait for anything.
    ... this breathless way of living naturally makes for a mentality impatient of delay, so hen this man enters the kingdom of God he brings his short-range psychology with him. He finds prophecy too slow for him.
    ...the faith of Christ offers no buttons to push for quick service.
    ...Also there is the little question that the prevailing affluence of our society has much to do with the general disregard of Christ's promises that He would come to earth again to intervene in human history.
    If the rich man enters the kingdom of God with difficulty, then it is logical to conclude that a society having the highest percentage of well-to-do persons in it ill have the lowest percentage of Christians, all things else being equal.
    If the "deceitfulness of riches" chokes the Word and makes it unfruitful, then this would be the day of near-fruitless preaching, at least in the opulent West.
    And if surfeiting and drunkenness and worldly cares tend to unfit the Christian for the coming of Christ, then this generation of Christians should be the least prepared for that event.
   ...In the United States and Canada, the middle class today possesses more earthly goods and lives in greater luxury than emperors and maharajas did only a century ago.
   ...It is not difficult to see why the genuine expectation of Christ's return has all but disappeared from among us.
   It is hard indeed to focus attention upon a better world to come when a more comfortable one than this can hardly be imagined. As long as science can make us so cozy in this present world it is admittedly hard to work up much pleasurable anticipation of a new world order even if it is God who has promised it.

excerpts from Chapters 16 and 17 of the book: JESUS: THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF THE SON OF GOD, by A.W. Tozer, Moody Publishers

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