Captain of the Titanic!

Would you rather have been the captain of the Titanic or one of those who helped people into the  lifeboats – captain of a gigantic failure, or oarsman in a little rowboat?
    Those who run for political office are in effect volunteering to captain the Titanic.  Politics is a corrupt, Christ-less failure that is leading to the Antichrist, and is soon to go down with the doomed earth. Rather that seek the distinction of holding a proud office and "serving" by doing a few things to better folks stay on the fatal voyage, better to proclaim the gospel and get as many as possible into the lifeboats before the ship goes down. When the Lord comes, and judgment falls on this world, what boast will it be to say, “I was a congressman, or mayor, or president” in that ruined wreck?  All would-be captains of the Titanic, beware!

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