Reverence Missing In Today's Churches


I sometimes smile when I hear ministers state the assumption that a new type of building will create a worship atmosphere.  In my late adolescence I occasionally worshiped with those known as 'Plymouth brethren'. Meeting in the barest halls, adorned only with signs carrying Scripture verses, they had the most worshipful services that I have ever attended. No organist in whispering conferences, pushing or pulling stops. Greeting, giggling, whispering, and coughing were all hushed by the miracle drug: reverence. Children were quieted. People tiptoed to their places in the circle to sit with bowed heads or read their Bibles. The keen anticipation of the movement of the Spirit of God in leading one of the assembled men to announce a hymn, read the Scripture, or to offer prayer was sensed in these moments of deep reverence, which sharply contrasts with the hubbub of many Protestant services."
quote from John Drakeford,
cited in an article in the BIBLE & LIFE newsletter, december 2017
Brother Dunlap continues and comments:
"Sadly, there are many today to whom the idea of reverence in worship sounds too old-fashioned, so out of step with the times, and at odds with contemporary worship trends. Indeed, many believers seem to be strangers to the foundational truths that form the basis for our worship. The New Testament teaching concerning worship, the Lord's supper, and the person of Christ no longer seem to hold their interest. These do not seem to be popular. We are spiritually carefree generation. Unfortunately, the broad road has always been more appealing than the narrow way."
you are encouraged to go to his site and read the entire article, and many other excellent articles available there.

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