God Wants To Save Sinners

by D. G. Barnhouse

"Through Isaiah Israel is described as: a sinful nation, a hypocritical nation, a people laden with iniquity, rebellious sons, offspring of evildoers, corruptors, forsakers of the Lord, provokers of the Holy One of Israel, despisers of God, companions of thieves, wicked, wanton, rotten, drunken, bribegivers, bribetakers, proud, arrogant, makers of evil laws, godless, oppressors, treacherous dealers, proud drunkards, filthy, and scornful men.
     ...There are no terms or combination of terms in the human language which depict evil that may not be used in describing all men, as well as Israel, when out of the will of God. Apart from Jesus Christ, this is what we are. Yet God is holding out His arms all the day long to them. We can hear the sob of Christ if we listen closely, as He held out His arms, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto you, how often would I have gathered thee to my bosom as a hen gathereth her chicks, but ye would not!" (Matt. 23:37).
     ...We cannot leave this final picture of the patient God without pointing out to all men, Jew and Gentiles alike, that the Lord still sands with outstretched arms, calling men to Himself. Take it in the words of God as He stood here on earth, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls..."

Romans, Vol. IV, pp. 102-104

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