The Calamity of Rejecting the Bible

A great proof that the Bible is God’s Word is the tragic calamities with follow on its rejection.
    The alternative to accepting the Bible is illustrated in the corrupted lives of infidels and skeptics, in the wrecking of families and the debasing of communities and even nations. A dark background against which the Bible shines in heavenly purity...

    The testimony of Joseph Baker, a member of the Mother of Parliaments and an ex-President of the British National Secular Society cannot be invalidated:
 “I have see the dreadful effects which infidelity produces on men’s characters; I have had the proof of its deteriorating effects in my own experience; its tendency is to utter debasement.”

Mrs. Mary Benjamin, and eyewitness of the death-bed agonies of the notorious infidel Thomas Paine writes:

“I was invited by a distant go and see T. Paine on his death-bed...The scene to me was appalling, and I wished to leave at once. I remember him as he lay, his head near and close to the door we entered, his glaring rolling eyes, uttering imprecations; apparently in agony of body and mind; his screams could be heard at a great distance. As I shrank back the said (there were many there) he called on Jesus Christ for mercy, and next blasphemed.”    
Such was the end of one who rejected the Bible.
     The awful results following the dethronement of the Bible are around us today. We are now reaping the harvest of the sowing of modernism. Lawlessness is the great characteristic of the hour. The rising tide of sinful pleasure has engulfed the nation. Crime is on the increase. Divorce courts are glutted with business. Ethical standards have given way. Morals have gone to pieces. The home, the bulwark of society, has been breached. Sodom has been resurrected. Hell has broken loose, and daily the appalling downgrade gathers momentum. Believe he evolved from the beast, man has become a beast.
    Our lament is that of the prophet: “Judgment is turned away backward, and justice afar off; for truth is fallen in the streets and equity cannot enter” (Isa. 59:14).
    “Where will it all end?” I have been asked. “In hell,” is the only reply. "Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death". Well may Jeremiah say, “Lo they have rejected the Word of the Lord and what wisdom is in them? Therefore shall they fall among them that fall, in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the Lord”.
    To reject the Bible is to reject the God of the Bible. To reject God is to reject the Commandments of God. To reject the commandments of God is to reject the Authority of Heaven. To reject the authority of heaven is to accept the Anarchy of Hell.
    The more I study the calamity which follows the rejection of the Bible, the more I am convinced that the Bible is the inbreathed Word of God

excerpt from chapter one of Ian R.K. Paisley's book, Christian Foundations

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