The Atonement

excerpt from "The Atonement," by William Blane

The Atonement was no business act
In which the Savior did contract,
To undergo so many pains,
That He might cleanse so many's stains.
He gave His all — His life's blood flowed
To reconcile the World to God.
'Twixt God and man, to close the rent,
The spotless Lamb of God was sent,
If all the sins of Adam's race,
With perfect justice to each case,
In Heaven's balances were laid,
They would be utterly outweigh'd
By Jesus' death. The value lies
All in th'infinite sacrifice:
When Christ for man was crucified,
Th' Creator for the creature died.
. . .
What means a universal call
If there be not enough for all?
As if the Saviour passed some by
While He for others' sins did die,
And that, though all are told to come,
There's but provision made for some;
Or that, in some mysterious way,
God means not what the Scriptures say.
Let hampered minds their thoughts expand,
Nor on such narrow footing stand:
The might work of Jesus scan —
He "tasted death for every man."
He "died for all" that they who live
Back to Himself that life should give.
He has for "all" Atonement made —
For all mankind the ransom paid.
God loved the world; and when He gave
His Son, it was the world to save.
And though He knew some would not take
Of the provision He would make,
The forseen choice of self-willed man
Changed not heav'n's universal plan,
As, in the love that moved His heart,
All in th' Atonement had a part. 

Some will be lost, and rescued some,
Yet "Whosoever will" may come,
If not, He only mocks their fate
Who presses all, "ere 'tis too late,"
To trust a work not for them done,
To take a pardon while there's none,
To fly from hell without a way,
Or perish if they disobey.
They never can the sinner reach
Who, crippled thus, the Gospel preach.

Part II

The glorious Gospel will effect
The gath'ring in of that Elect
Which, long before time had begun,
God did forsee would trust His Son;
And whom he therefore did destine
To be conformed by power divine
Into His image, and to be
His "glorious Church," from blemish free.
But this, though known and valued much,
Dothy not the great Atonement touch.
True, 'twas the special treasure sought,
But, for it, all the field was bought.

William Blane's was from South Africa. 
His poetry is found in his book, Lays of Life and Hope.

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