Male and Female


God's Word is under attack on every side and on every subject. Every time men or women speak of "millions of years" and evolution, they are calling God a liar.  Recently someone proposed on a science website their theory that perhaps the universe never had a beginning. This is in direct conflict with the clear fact stated in God's Word. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). These "science" sites have also proposed that a meteor impacted in the area of ancient Sodom and caused the "legend" of God's judgment. This is another ridiculous example of the endless theories and speculations, all based on distrust and disbelief in God's Word.

Another attack on Scripture and a display of ignorant arrogance and foolishness is the transgender theory that people everywhere are hearing and believing. It is basically an excuse to justify wicked behavior. And of course, their general strategy is to silence or ridicule anyone who dares to disagree. However, Christians are told to reprove the unfruitful works of unrighteousness, and the transgender theory is just one more of those.

 David McAllister (Ireland) has written an excellent article on the subject of "male and female." It was published in Assembly Testimony magazine ( We reproduce it here for your thoughtful consideration.


Genesis 1.27

by David McAllister (Ireland)

In a world that is so confused, where changes in society and what is regarded as normal and acceptable are changing with incredible rapidity, we would do well to remind ourselves, as believers, of what the Bible teaches on the subject of gender. This brief article is certainly not an in-depth treatment; rather it is a word to encourage us to hold to the never-changing principles in God’s holy Word.

We will consider the subject under four very broad headings. The first two relate to God’s responsibility, the latter two to our response:


Evolutionary dogma holds to the idea that everything, including gender, developed, of its own accord, over vast periods of time. While the scientific impossibility of this is evident, we will not pursue it here, for the purpose of this publication is to teach the Word of God, which is the only authority for our beliefs. On this subject, the Bible is unequivocal: in its very first chapter, we read of God making mankind, and that "male and female created He them" Gen.1.27; see also Gen.5.2.

This was confirmed by our Lord Jesus Christ when He said, "He which made them at the beginning made them male and female" Matt.19.4; and, "from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female" Mk.10.6. Throughout the Scriptures, the distinction between male and female is maintained, right to the present age, for example Acts 5.14; 1Cor.11.3; 14.34,35; 1Tim.2.8,9; Titus 2.2-6.

God, Who is a God of order, has established gender distinction in the animal world as well. In the story of the Flood, it is emphasised that "male and female of all flesh" entered into the ark, Gen.6.19; 7.6. In the sacrificing of animals, the gender of the animals was important, for example the Passover lamb was to be "a male of the first year" Ex.12.5, while the ritual of Numbers chapter 19 necessitated a female, the "red heifer" Num.19.2.

Thus, it is clear that the two different genders have been established by God Himself, right from the beginning, and that this is part of His purpose for the world.


The modern notion that one’s gender is a matter of one’s own subjective choice runs totally contrary to Scripture, as well as to all evidence. Just as God is the One Who has created gender differences, it is He Who determines the gender of each person. While the study of genetics has led to an understanding of how, at a physical level, the gender of an individual is determined, the testimony of Scripture is clear that it is no random process: God has an interest in, and is active in, every aspect of a person and his or her development, right from the very beginning. We read, in Ps.139.13-16: "For Thou hast possessed my reins: Thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." How lovely it is to know that, right from conception, (and, indeed, before it!), through our development in the womb, our God was intimately involved in every detail.

Several times in the Scriptures, God promised to people that they would have a son, and this promise was fulfilled, for example the parents of Isaac, Gen.17.15-22, and John the Baptist, Lk.1.13, to take one case from each Testament. Although being informed of a child’s gender beforehand was exceptional, it nevertheless demonstrated that gender is under Divine superintendence, and each of us can rest assured of this fact: who I am is no accident, but part of God’s purpose for me.


We live in a very unhappy world, with many people discontented with how they are. Some are unhappy with their gender, and want to change it. Sadly, society is increasingly moving towards a position where such attitudes are encouraged, and where attempts to make this change are legitimised.

As believers, there is a sense in which we are not to be content with how we are. A prime example is that we should never be content with our state of spirituality, but should ever be striving for greater holiness. However, there are things that we cannot change, and gender is one of them. The Lord Jesus taught this great lesson: "Thou canst not make one hair white or black" Matt.5.36; "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" Matt.6.27. Changes to our essential beings are impossible, but they should not even be desired. We should be content, and not wish we were otherwise. If I remember that God made me who I am, that will preserve me from much discontentment, and wasting time and energy in wishing for things that He does not have for me. Christ has saved us, and if we appreciate this as we should, we will not be like this forlorn, dissatisfied world. "Godliness with contentment is great gain" 1Tim.6.6.


A believer, appalled by the changes taking place all around, can ask (inwardly, if not verbally), "What can I do?", for we seem powerless to stem the tide of corruption that is sweeping across the planet. There are, however, things that we can do.

We can pray: for the little children who are being indoctrinated with such confusing messages at an ever younger age, at school and in the media; for the Christian parents who have to deal with this, and so many other issues, in a world that is increasingly hostile to those who seek to bring up children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord" Eph.6.4; for those poor, sad, souls who are caught up in this awful web, that they may be delivered by the power of the gospel; for the dear saints who have close family members taken up in these things, and who "are at their wits’ end" Ps.107.27 (it is worth mentioning that the whole Psalm in which this term is found is excellent material for reading and meditating upon by those in such extremity). We will not be any help to them by insensitive talk, but we can bear them up in our prayers, and be available to help and support them practically.

We can show an example in our lives. Whilst recent years have seen an alarming acceleration in the openness and militancy in which this agenda has been promoted, the work by the enemy of God to oppose Divinely-ordained distinctions has been advancing for a long time. Believers who, by their appearance, dress and deportment, reflect their acknowledgment of gender distinction are thereby taking a stand against the trend. We can only expect things to get "worse and worse" 2Tim.3.13, but, in the midst of it all, we can, by our behaviour, show Whose we are and Whom we serve, Acts 27.23. And, while people may hate us, they do notice when we are living contentedly, and they cannot gainsay the reality of a joyful life lived in accordance with Divine principles. "Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ" 1Pet.3.16; "In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works … Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you" Titus 2.7,8.

We need to carefully watch our thoughts and our speech (the latter is a reflection of the former). There is the danger that our abhorrence of these things could cause us to be overly interested in them, and that they would occupy too much of a place in our minds and our conversation. The sordid details of this subject do not make for wholesome discourse: in our homes, or in meetings, or anywhere else, even if we are speaking in condemnation of it. Let us heed the words of Paul: "it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret" Eph.5.12. It is not enough to avoid our actions being affected by these things; we must also guard against our minds and our speech being contaminated by them.

We live in a very evil world, but that is nothing new. It is a very long time since Lot was "vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds)" 2Pet. 2.7,8. And the world in which the recipients of Paul’s epistles lived was remarkably like the world of our day. He had good counsel for his readers, which is equally necessary for us: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" Phil.4.8.

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