Mary Magdalene - Devotion To Christ
The devotion of Mary Magdalene is a pattern for us. After her great deliverance from Satanic power, her subsequent life proves it. Let us first consider:
Two Scriptures tell it - Mark 15:8; Luke 8:2. The Lord Jesus used His omnipotent power as He "cast out of her seven devils," demonic spirit beings who dominated her. He threw them out, for she was helpless and hopeless to deliver herself, or to ask help of HIM. He delivered her! He was her Saviour, Redeemer and Deliverer! This is what He is to you and me, fellow believers; praise His Name! Meditate on her devoted life that followed:
1. HER DEVOTION OF LIFE - She followed Him! Luke 8:1-3; He "went throughout every city and village, preaching and teaching," etc. She followed with His disciples, "certain women" and "many others." It was customary for disciples to follow Rabbinical scribes then and profit from their ministry. Our blessed Lord did not forbid it.
2. HER DEVOTION IN GIVING - Of her "substance" she ministered to Him (Luke 8:3). She was evidently from an affluent family and able to, as other women mentioned here. Their desire was to listen to this Divine Expositor for comfort and instruction from His blessed lips.3. HER DEVOTION TO THE CROSS - John 19:26 - She followed Him to His cross. Her home in Magdala was far from Jerusalem on the west side of Lake Galilee, yet when His disciples forsook Him, she was seen "standing by the cross of Jesus," faithful! She followed Him to His DEATH! She never lost sight of Christ, but watched the great sacrifice of atonement on the cross, not alone for her sins but for "the sin of the world" (John 1:29).
4. HER DEVOTION AT HIS BURIAL - Matt. 27:61: Joseph, Nicodemus, "Mary Magdalene and the other Mary" were the mourners at the grave. As Joseph "rolled a great stone to the door" of the sepulcher, there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, sitting near. Mary Magdalene is mentioned as if the chief mourner, taking careful observation where they laid HIM.
5. HER DEVOTION AT THE SEPULCHER - John 20:1-18. "While it was yet dark" Mary seeks the body of a dead Christ, not knowing that HE LIVES! In haste, she brings Peter and John to search the empty tomb, but, puzzled, they return home while "Mary stood at the sepulcher weeping." Angels were no comfort to her, not even the "Cherubim"! Peter and John went home, but Mary had no home, for HER HOME WAS CHRIST!
6. HER DEVOTION REWARDED - The Risen Lord reveals Himself, calling His sheep by name - "Mary." She knew HIS voice! To this devoted heart He first reveals Himself in Resurrection! She cries, "Rabboni" - my Teacher! My Master! My Lord! Had He not freed her from bondage, from seven relentless masters, seven deadly devils? But now, she had One Lord only; her heart and mind and soul worshipped Him! She now could say; "I have found HIM WHOM my soul loveth."
7. HER GREAT COMMISSION - Not permitted to touch Him, but given the greatest message of Resurrection truth - "Go to my brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and your Father; and to My God and your God." To this sorrowful and devoted heart, which no angels could comfort, the Resurrection message is entrusted. What a priceless honor! Beloved, she is an example! Do I have a devoted heart for Christ? What shall I say?
John Bramhall (1899-2001) served the Lord in Florence, South Carolina and the surrounding area.
Wherever he traveled for ministry, he was known as a perfect gentleman, and for his personal devotion the Lord Jesus Christ.