It is a commonly held opinion that if parents send their children to a “Christian college” they will be protected from the world and false teaching. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and may in fact be rare today. Indeed, one “Christian college,” at which the author is a student, teaches liberal concepts that are against clear Biblical teaching. Theistic evolution is espoused by at least two members of the Science department and several of the Bible professors as well. The film, The Last Temptation of Christ, was shown as a course requirement (supposedly to display the world’s view of Christ). After this created much controversy among some of the students and their parents, the President issued an apology and requested that the professors stop showing the film. New Testament principles are openly attacked both in the classroom and in the college’s chapel service. “Higher criticism” is subtly invoked to question the validity of basic Christian doctrines.
The “Social Gospel” is widely propounded by the faculty and students, and thus capital punishment, abortion, and environmental issues are often stressed in the place of evangelism. “Pertinent topics” discussed at this college include: “Should secular music be played on the college radio station?” and “Should we allow dancing?” Overall, a feeling of leniency and tolerance is stressed by the faculty in order to preserve their concepts of unity and community.
The language and behavior of the students is far from what you might expect at a “Christian” institution. A number of the students give little evidence of being believers. The supposed “Christian” environment is actually dangerous, in that a student, and his or her parents, often assume the college provides a safe haven from the world and false teaching. This assumption leads to a letting down of the guard, thus making the student even more vulnerable.
Parents and students who are considering a “Christian college” should check it out thoroughly, and be prepared for some shocks, and to transfer if necessary. This student is considering this latter option very seriously.
A student in a “Christian college” in Pennsylvania.
“Beloved, to not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 Jn. 4:1 NKJV).
From the March 1992 issue of Milk & Honey – and the situation in so-called “Christian colleges” has not improved since then! If a staff member or "ministry team" from a certain Bible college comes to give a presentation -- remember that such people are going to paint the best possible picture and sound as orthodox as possible, because they are basically looking for "new accounts" to pay the school's bills. Better do more research than just asking such people a few questions.