Someone wrote:
We sing - HEAVENLY SUNSHINE - and stay away from CHURCH MEETINGS when it's too hot.
We sing - THERE SHALL BE SHOWERS OF BLESSING -- but don't attend meetings when it's raining.
We sing - HIDING IN THEE - and then go and hide from THEE.
We sing - BLEST BE THE TIE THAT BINDS - and let the slightest offence sever it.
We sing - SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS - and then gripe about all we have to do.
We sing - WE'RE MARCHING TO ZION - but fail to make it to the church meetings.
We sing - I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY - and then never mention it all through the year.
We sing - CASTING ALL YOUR CARE UPON HIM - and worry ourselves into a nervous breakdown.
We sing - THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD FOR JESUS - and never invite our nextdoor neighbors to come to meetings with us.
We sing - O DAY OF REST AND GLADNESS - and wear ourselves out cutting the grass.
We sing - THROW OUT THE LIFE LINE - and content ourselves with throwing out a fishing line.
We sing - HEAVEN CAME DOWN AND GLORY FILLED MY SOUL - and then walk around with empty souls.
We sing - TAKE MY SILVER AND MY GOLD, NOT A MITE WOULD I WITHHOLD, and then only give a mite in the offering.
We sing - ANYWHERE WITH JESUS I WILL GLADLY GO - but can't make the trip to church meetings nearby.
We sing - TAKE MY LIFE AND LET IT BE - and we take our lives for ourselves and let them be.
We sing - TAKE THE WORLD BUT GIVE ME JESUS - but turn on the TV and close our Bibles.
We sing - IN THE SWEET BYE AND BYE - but lay up no treasures in heaven, and hope the Lord doesn't come before we enjoy life.
We sing - HALLELUJAH WHAT A SAVIOR - but never talk about Him to others.

No wonder A. W. Tozer once remarked that Christians tell more lies when they sing hymns than at any other time.

"This people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me" Isaiah 29:13

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