"Teen Commandments"

On the occasion of my oldest son’s fourteenth birthday a much beloved friend – now an octogenarian – whose life and testimony in Christ have been a great blessing to our family, sent him a card with the following “teen commandments”:

1. Don’t let your parents down; they brought you up.

2. Choose your companions with care; you tend to become what they are.

3. Be master of your habits or they will master you.

4. Treasure your time; don’t spend it; invest it.

5. Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.

6. Don’t date around, pray and wait for God’s choice for a mate.

7. See what you can do for others, not what they can do for you.

8. Guard your thoughts; what you think, you are.

9. Don’t fill up on the world’s crumbs; feed your soul on the Living Bread.

10. Give your all to Christ; He gave His all for you.
Ross Rainey, “Ministry in Focus”, July-August 1975

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