"...Faith sees that what God says has been done, and believes God's Word, having the conviction that it is true, and true for ourselves. In saving faith, then, you do not trust God to do something for you: He has sent His Son, who has borne sin for you. You do not look to Christ to do something to save you: He has done it at the cross. You simply receive God's testimony as true, setting your seal thereto.* You rest in God's Word regarding Christ and His work for you. You rest in Christ's shed blood."

*"I often quote I Timothy 1:15 to inquiring sinners: 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.' In response to my question, they confess that 'came' is in the past tense. Then I say, 'How sad that you and I were not there, so that He might have saved us, for He has now gone back to heaven"' This shuts them up to contemplate the work Christ finished when He was here; upon which work, and God's Word concerning it, sinners must rest: that is faith."

Newell, Romans Verse by Verse, page 109, Moody Press

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