Philippians 1:20-21  "... so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.  21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

What is the purpose of a magnifying glass? To be seen itself? Just the opposite. It is to make some object more visible. And that was exactly Paul’s expectation, not to be seen or noticed himself, but to help make the Savior more visible to men and women.

Sadly, today, many Christians appear to have lost sight of this noble ambition of Paul's. They dress and behave so as to be seen and noticed and liked. They call attention to themselves, not to Christ.

"My life touched yours for a very brief space,
And what, oh, what did you see?
A hurried, a worried and anxious face,
Or the beauty of Jesus in me?
Was I steeped so deep in the ways of the world
That you couldn’t detect one thing
That would set me apart and show that my heart
Belonged to the Heavenly King?"  
                                                            A. H. Mortenson    

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